Life on the farm.
It’s a great time to be a Splendid Hen.
Standard ‘Free-Range’ / 1 hectare = 10,000 hens. Splendid Free-Range / 1 hectare = 20 hens.

What is regenerative farming?
When you eat Splendid Eggs you are playing an important role in this regeneration process and you are supporting our farms directly.
Happy Hens. Splendid Eggs.
Our splendid hens live in nesting trailers that have been specifically designed for pasture fed chickens to provide a clean, efficient and safe place for them to lay eggs, roost at night and shelter from the weather.
The trailers are moved every week so the chickens are always on fresh pasture. Being on the move all the time and out in the open, fresh air reduces risk of disease or illness.
The chickens are also helping us improve our pastures. They fertilise the soil with their manure and sanitise the paddocks, scratching up and spreading other animal manure and eating any snails and grubs that they find.

We also have help from our nine Maremma dogs who loyally guard our flocks. Freddy, Millie, Missy, Bear, Max, Maggie, Bo, Yoshi and Hazel live with the hens and protect them from predators such as foxes and eagles. Having the dogs allows us to never have to lock our chooks up.

Who is the Splendid Egg?
We founded The Splendid Egg after realising we shared a passion and commitment for regenerative farming.
By joining forces, we have been able to share our skills (and headaches!) to enable us to consistently supply premium grass-fed produce whilst maintaining the integrity and biodiversity of our farms.